Herefordshire Hoard
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Thank you

to everyone who supported and donated to our campaign to bring the Hoard home to Herefordshire. We’re delighted to announce we’ve made it.

Read the latest news

HMSSG has been key to the fundraising campaign and the overall project to Bring the Hoard Home to Herefordshire.

MArgaret presenting certificate for the donation from Hereford Searchers Club

Margaret(L) presenting a certificate to Cherry (R) for the kind donation from Hereford Searchers Club at the Eye community event.

Jane Adams chair HMSSG presenting to Geoffrey Croft certificate in recognition of parish history group £1500 donated to hoard campaign - Hoard Talk Cawley Hall

Jane Adams,  Chair of HMSSG (R) presenting to Geoffrey Croft (L) a certificate in recognition of Parish History Group who donated £1500 to hoard campaign at the Hoard  event at Cawley Hall.

Herefordshire Museum Service Support Group (HMSSG)

In partnership with Herefordshire Council Museum Services we are working on a number of initiatives relating to the Hoard and it's long-term place in the county, from making grant applications to acquire, display and care for the objects, to volunteering at open days for the public to view some of the artefacts.

Long term we will be supporting educational programmes and events for schools and creatives alike and grants to research further into the items.

HMSSG’s objectives are to support the county Museum Service. All monies donated to HMSSG are used for the benefit of the Museum Service and the Herefordshire collections. 

Our full charitable objects are:

To advance the education of the public by supporting the maintenance and development of Herefordshire county museum and art collections, and by promoting public access to those collections, and

To advance the arts, culture, heritage and science in particular, but not exclusively, by promoting the appreciation and understanding by the public of the archaeology, history, heritage, culture, natural science and visual arts of Herefordshire through those collections, and related use, preservation, curation, interpretation, exhibitions and activities.

HMSSG is a registered charity (1171756) which works to promote the development of Herefordshire Museum Service. Constituted on 23 February 2017 we are now 5 years old.  

Find out more about HMSSG on their website.

Herefordshire Meseum Service support group Logo

Portable Antiquities Scheme Logo

Portable Antiquities Scheme

The Portable Antiquities Scheme is run by the British Museum and Amgueddfa Cymru - National Museum Wales to encourage the recording of archaeological objects found by members of the public in England and Wales. Every year many thousands of archaeological objects are discovered, many of these by metal detector users, but also by people whilst out walking, gardening or going about their daily work. Finds recorded with the Scheme help advance knowledge of the history and archaeology of England and Wales.

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